Go Big

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Sometimes you just have to go big or go home.

Painting on a larger scale where you must move your whole body to complete the marks, more than just you arm or your hand or your fingers…You move your whole body up and down and around the wall moving ladders and lifts and stepping back and forth.  You crawl all around and in the three dimensional space in front of that wall to birth the image.

Connecting my physical body to my mark-making impulses connects me to my craft and to my voice in a deeper way.  The wall calls me to presence.

Having to publicly display the process, the hidden parts, the mistakes and re-do’s, the re-thinkings…and it’s vulnerable.

It’s exposure therapy for my OCD. You have to let go and you have to walk away.

It’s a thrill and a joy and one of my favorite things in the whole world to do.

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